We are the fruit borne of migrants, of exiles, of adventurers, of explorers... who ended up across the world to resume what many started before, to continue the tradition and to keep it alive.
Nos vidrios
Rescued Bottles
Nos Vidrios work with vulnerable people who rely on the income from recycling in Bogotá, Colombia, and turn bottles into beautifully designed drinkware.
Colombian clothing company promoting sustainable peace! Chic products made by reincorporated ex-combatants.
Colombian and Organic!
Colombian and locally manufactured products means we seek to leave most of the value and impact at origin. Organic means better for the consumer and better for the environment. Field production through clean organic agriculture protects ecosystems by emphasizing soil fertility and biological activity while minimizing the use of non-renewable resources and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
Chocolate that brings hearts together
A community of farmers that believe in honest work, sustainable development and respect for others. For this reason, they have continued the legacy of planting cacao beans where there was once conflict and illicit crops.